Last updated: 14/10/2024
Welcome to Muslim Astrologer, owned by Maulana Hamid Ansari JI. This disclaimer forms part of our privacy policy. Please read it carefully before using our website https://www.loverproblemssolution.com/.
No Guarantee for Results
Astrolog y and associated services on this website are based on ancient practices and individual belief systems. Each visitor may not share the same experience since success is based on individual experiences. As such, no guarantee or promise of getting a specific outcome or solving an issue in your life can be provided by using these services.
Individual Experience
Results of our astrology services vary with different circumstances, personal beliefs, and external influences. What may work for one person may not work for another. Your satisfaction is important to us, but the outcomes coming from our services do not guarantee it will meet your expectations.
Conditions of Google
We respect Google’s needs with regard to user data, transparence and data privacy practices. However, if you need more information, or if you are unsure about what is stated by Google then you can find their guidelines on their website.
When you access this website, you signify that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by the following conditions.
No Legal or Professional Advice
The material shown on this site, and through any services provided, should not be construed or deemed specific information or entertainment purposes but rather general information. It is not to be used in lieu of professional advice, including legal, financial, medical, or psychological counsel.
Use at Your Own Risk
You are using our services at your own risk. We are not responsible for any direct, indirect, or incidental consequences that may arise from your use of our astrology services.
For any queries, please contact us at:
Name: Maulana Hamid Ansari JI
Email: info@loverproblemssolution.com
Phone: +91–7023445249